Unbelievable, Pretty Little Liars Novel



Unbelievable, Pretty Little Liars Novel


Bibliographic Information:

Sara Shepard, 335 page paperback

HarperTeen, 2008

ISBN: 978-0-06-088741-4



The pretty little liars caused trouble years ago and this has come back to haunt them.  After death of some of their friend Allison the group is followed and sometimes given trouble by a person called “A”.  Hanna, one of the girls knows who A is but is hurt and does not remember.  Another girl gets in trouble with parents and one ends up being a lesbian.  Things come to a head as secrets are revealed and the person who killed Allison is found out about along with the discovery who’ A’ is.



The novel is written in third person perspective and is fairly easy to follow.  It does help weave together the tale of what happen to the girls and does bring up drama on the problems that face the girl.  Otherwise the book is decently written.


Readers Annotation:

Liars can be pretty, but some lies lead to bad ends.


Booktalking ideas:

Talk about how lying can cause bad reactions in people.  Also discuss when lies are appropriate and when lies become problems.


Author information:

Sara Shepard has a master degree in creative writing and the novel series was inspired by her living and growing up in Philadelphia’s Main Line.  website: http://sarashepardbooks.com/index.php



Mystery Thriller




Reading Level:

Ages 14 and up


Challenging Issues:

There is murder, death and blackmail is major part of the novel.


Selection Reason:

I have seen talk about the tv show, so I decided to try the novel.  Note I never have watch the television series.

About bryanlibraryschool

I am currently a library student and using this blog for an assingment.

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